Senior phone scams are on the rise. Most of us know we shouldn’t give out personal information like Social Security or Medicare numbers to people who call us, no matter how official they might try to sound. We’ve heard the spiel enough times to feel confident we wouldn’t let ourselves get taken by phone scammers….
Reacher Grabber Pick Up Tools
What is a Reacher Grabber? Reacher grabbers, also known as hand grip pick up tools, work as an extension of your arm so you can more easily reach needed items up on a shelf or down on the floor.
Dry Skin Care in Older Adults
The aging process is relentless when it comes to our skin, especially during the double threat of winter: dry, heated indoor air and dry, cold outdoor air.
Grandparents Preserve Digital Legacy for Future Generations
Learning about my ancestors has been such a wonderful journey into the past. And I can reach into the future for those long gone and let their grandchildren and great grandchildren know about them.
Priceless Gift Ideas For Seniors
I have been a senior citizen for quite a while and I’ve thought of a few gift ideas for seniors that won’t cost my loved ones any money.
Qi Gong Exercises May Help Some Seniors Keep Moving
Lee Holden’s Qi Gong DVDs came into my life more than a decade ago when I was about to have knee replacement surgery due to arthritis. I thought it might be a gentler way of exercising and wanted to familiarize myself with the moves before my surgery.
Vive Gets a Grip on Textured Compression Gloves
Vive Textured Compression Gloves, also known as Vive Arthritis Gloves with Grips, are open-finger gloves that provide compression and support to relieve some of the pain associated with painful arthritic hands.
Prediabetes May Be Helped With Lifestyle Changes
I wasn’t really surprised at my diagnosis of Prediabetes. After all, my brother and one of my uncles had Diabetes Type 2 for much of their shortened lives. Sadly, they both succumbed to complications of the disease.
Everything Old is New Again
You know those sayings you’ve heard your whole life, like “A stitch in time saves nine” and “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”? As I look back over a lifetime, I realize how relatable some of those archaic sayings have been to my life.
Connections Key to Fighting Loneliness in Seniors
It has never in history been easier to reach out and touch someone than it is today. Yet health care professionals continue to sound the alarm about epidemic levels of chronic loneliness and its potentially devastating health implications.